Trigger Thumbs

Trigger thumb is a condition in which the thumb's flexor tendon becomes inflamed, causing the thumb to become locked in a bent position. It is a common condition in children and can cause significant pain and difficulty with gripping and grasping. Pediatric trigger thumb surgery is a procedure that can be performed to correct the condition and restore normal thumb function.

The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves releasing the flexor tendon and allowing it to glide more freely within the sheath. In some cases, a tenotomy, or release of the tendon, may be necessary to allow for proper movement of the thumb.

Recovery from pediatric trigger thumb surgery typically takes several weeks and may involve physical therapy to regain strength and range of motion in the thumb. With proper care and rehabilitation, most children are able to return to normal activities and enjoy full use of their thumb without pain or limitations.​

Book a consultation with me to discuss the different options available and which one may be the best fit for your child.

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